Wednesday, 19 September 2018

This my logo art. What we had to do is make an bio poem and draw your favourite logos. What I found challenging is to draw my logos.  What I liked about this was I looks so cool in the  end. What I might do next time is  do the  original colours and  labels.

Friday, 14 September 2018

This is my tree art what we had to do was draw a tree and blend colours to make it look cool. What I liked about this piece is it looks so cool at the end. What I found challenging about this was some colours didn't go together. What I might do next time is use a different variety of colours.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

I am going to give you three reasons why girls are better than Boys.  Firsty, Girls are more mature than boys. Second, Girls smell nicer. And lastly, Girls have a better sense of style.       
Firstly, Girls are more mature. We talk about normal things and boys talk about non normal stuff and other stuff. Girls don’t laugh at silly things like boys do. When girls get mad at each other they don’t punch someone or hurt someone. Sometimes girls just say hurtful words. Boys also giggle at when someone does a fart, I mean we all do farts.

Secondly,  Girls smell Nicer. If we play a sport we don’t roll around in the mud like boys do. Some girls I mean most girls buy expensive perfume where boys just go as there smelly old self. Girls shower more often where boys just say I’ll flag it. Girls wear clean clothes everyday but some boys wear the same clothes they did yesterday.

Last but not least, Girls have a way better taste of styles than boys. For starters boys wear knee hight shorts and we wear normal short denim  shorts. Girls are always going shopping for new clothes and boys never get new clothes. Girls wear super trendy clothes and boys don’t wear trendy clothes. I mean girls and boys both like to label bash but that doesn’t change the fact girls are better than boys.

Yeah But, Boys can be stronger than girls, i’m sure if girls go to the gym and workout  girls will become very strong just like the boys.

To sum it up, We all know girls are more mature than boys, girls smell nicer and girls have a better taste of style than boys.
I hope I have convinces you Girls are better than Boys because we are.


Kayla Leach.

We have been learning to write a persuasive piece of writing to convince  the reader on our opinion of something.  What I enjoyed about this was I got to write about how much girls are better than boys. What I found challenging  was to pick three reasons why girls are better than boys because there are so many reasons why. What I might do next time is change my reasons and add more detail to my reasons.

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Dear Santa,

Today I am Writing to you because I think I should be on the Nice list and NOT on the bad list. I hope I will convince you to put me on your NICE list this year.
 Here are 3 reasons why:

  1. I’m Helpful at school and home.
  2. I try my hardest in my learning
  3. I show REACH values in all that I do

                    Firstly, I do what I am told by Mum as soon as she ask me sometimes I will do it without her having to ask me.
I do chores around the house like picking up all of the baby stuff so  Mum doesn’t have to.
I always clean the tables at the end of the day so it’s less work for the cleaner.
I am such a big help to Mum because I sort out the change table so that she can look after the babies.
I pick up rubbish around the school to keep it tidy and neat

Secondly, I learn from my mistakes when I get something wrong in maths time ( I never give up.)
I ask for help when I need it the most so that I actually get something done.
I put my thinking maths cap on and try really hard that smoke comes out of my ears I try so hard it’s not funny.
I writing I make sure I do my tidest writing to make it look tidy and neat.  In reading I follow
all the instructions so I can do the activity right and don’t get my page ripped out. At fancy dress I try my hardest to make the dance look good and cool.

Last by not least, I let other people play my games with me if they are alone and have no one to play with.
I let other people use my stationary if they have forgotten there stationary.
I finish learning tasks in the time I am given so I am organized, and not left behind in my learning.
So I can be the best Mangapapa Kid  I can be in my learning.
I listen closely to what I have to do to be on task.
In assembly I am not talking when someone else is talking.

Yeah, but… One time I said something I didn’t mean to and I accidentally hurt there feelings.
But I said I’m really sorry and it won’t happen again and that made them feel better.
Now when I think I’m going to say something unkind I think before I say something,
Now I don’t say anything unkind so I don’t hurt other people’s feelings.
I treat other people the way I would like to be treated.
When I said something mean I felt good until I saw the victim was upset.

To sum it up… I think I should be on your NICE list because on Christmas Eve I give you biscuits and a Beer every year.
I give your reindeer carrots and water every year. I’m really helpful kind and caring.
I help others at school when they are not sure on what to do or a stuck on something.
I’m so good with having 3 brothers even though they can be really annoying sometimes

I hope I have convinced you to put me on your NICE list.


Kayla Leach

We are learning to write persuasive stories You have to use clear reasons and examples to persuade the reader.
What I enjoyed about doing this pieces  was I actually got to sent it to Santa.
What I found challenging about this was I had to put 5 or more sentences in each reason.
What I would do next time would be is to descibe my reasons in a different way. 

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

We have been learning how to flip a subtraction sum to an addition sum.
What we had to do was get an subtraction sum and turn it into a addition sum to make it easier.
What I enjoyed about this was I now know an easy and fast way to solve a subtraction  sum.
What I found challenging about this was I had to add up the right amount of numbers to get the right answer.
What I might do next time is do the adding up a different way and see if I get a different answer.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

This is my Science fair project called THE GREAT RISE!!!
What I enjoyed about this is I got to do baking witch is my favourite thing to do.
What I  found challenging about this was I takes a lot of time and effort.
What I would do next time is maybe make the picture more clear for you to see.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

This my Mult 2.
On my last  mult 1 I got 24 errors. But in mult 2 I got 13 errors 
What I found challenging about this was I have to know all my times table. What I liked about this was  I got less errors in my mult 2. What I would like to different next time is beat my time.

Friday, 15 June 2018

This my Word Foto art.
 What I found challenging about this was  I had to get the right angil to take the photo.
 What I liked about this activity was I got to pick what fillter I used  to create it.
What I would do different about this was I would only take a photo of my head.

Monday, 28 May 2018

This is our maths priorities.We do these in maths time. What I liked about this is  we get to different types on maths like dragon maths putting a post on our blog,coding,maths hub,maths games,maths pridigy,study ladder and teaching other people  maths questions that we didn't get right in our ikan maths test.
 what I find  challenging    about this is we at least have to do two things in a maths seasion and if we are on a chrome book we have to ahave a 30 minute timer going.

Friday, 25 May 2018

This is my logo art.What I found challanging about this piece was I had to draw all of these.What I liked  about this is that it turned out so good in the end.What I would differently is I would fill in the white gapes more and used the oringal colours foe the logos.

This is my adjectives poster.What I found challenging is that i had to find 5 or more  adjectives that tell us about nouns.What I liked about this poster is I got to do colouring in and explore my creativity

Monday, 14 May 2018

This is Te reo objects What you have to do  is type up maori dictionary and go on google slides  and make three squares and type up stuff on the maori dictionary and find the picture to it

Thursday, 10 May 2018

We have been learning to add and subtract in thousands and hundreds

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

This is my name origin what we had to do was find out meanings of our name and what it meant this is my finished product

Friday, 6 April 2018

We were learning to blend colours to make different colours.what I found challenging is that it took a long time  to make. What I enjoyed was that it looked so cool in the end. 

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Who named me?
My Mum and Dad.

Am I known by any other names? Why?
Sometimes I get called by my nicknames witch are KK and floss.

What connects my name to that of others?
My middle name is named after my mums best friend Janene.

Does my name have a meaning?
My name comes from Irish decent and it means ‘slender’.

Is there an equivalent name for mine in another language?
No there is not but it comes from the name Kay.
According to a site on google the ‘la’ part of names were added
a lot in the 80’s because of all the soap operas...

Why is my name spelt different to someone else
 with the same name?
Because that’s how my parents decided to spell it.

Why is my name spelt the way it is?  
Because it is easier to spell and say it.
Most people don’t get confused on how to spell it.

Where does my name come from?  
My name is Irish.

Can I change my name? When ? How?
Yes legally when I am 18 and with my parents  blessing.

Why is my name important to my family?
My last name gives me identity and it’s
my whanau name and connects me to my

For inquiry we are learning about our names and what what they mean so this is my  name story.What I found challenging was I had to find so much research and information about my name .It shows that I did my home learning a only 5 people did it out of the whole class. What I might do next  time  is know all the information about my name.