Thursday, 26 September 2019

My Sustainability Powtoon

This Is my Sustainability powtoon. This term for Inquiry we have been learning about Sustainability. First we had to go to the Enviro centre and find out some information about sustainability. Then we had to fill in a KWL. With the info we found out about we had to make a powtoon out of it. What I enjoyed about this powtoon was it was really fun because I love doing powtoon i'ts so fun What I found hard about this was on some slides I didn't enough info for some topics. I loved this Inquiry term's topic it was so fun.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

My Speech

This is my 2019 speech it's about why it suck to be the oldest child I hope I can convince you about why it does suck to be the oldest child.What I enjoyed about doing my speech this year was it was really easy to write because it was what was happening in the present. What I found Challenging was when I did my screencastify I couldn't find anywhere quiet so that why you can't really hear my voice that well but i'm sure you can hear it a little bit.
What we had to do first was we brainstormed ideas to start us off. So basically I had a lot of decisions to make so the topic I actually used wasn't on my list.
I hope you enjoy.
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Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Parking Meter Problem Solving

Parking Meter Maths

This is my maths I did This morning. What we had to do was add up money to make $3:50. We have a time to start off from it was 3:15 pm and we had to figure out how long would $3:50 give us it took us to 5:00 pm. I worked with Romie here is her blog link I also worked with Quinn Here is her link as well
I found it challenging because we were getting confused on how much money last how much time. I enjoyed this maths because it involves money and I like doing maths around money.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Polyline Picture

This is my Polyline. We did this for manaiakalani. We had to take a picture of ourselves and polyline it and colour it. It was hard because it took so long to make. I liked doing it because I like doing art on my chromebook.
By Kayla